Remote Work, Family Time, and Nature’s Embrace

The COVID-19 pandemic reshaped the way we work and live, leading to a surge in remote work opportunities. For me, this newfound flexibility opened doors to explore life, blending work, family, and the wonders of nature. I would like to share my journey of working remotely post-pandemic, and the unique experiences it offers in terms of quality time with family and the ability to connect with nature.

Being an extrovert expat in the UK over the pandemic was a difficult time for me. Worrying about my family, not being able to socialise with my work colleagues and isolating from the world made me feel like I was trapped. However, it gave me time of dreaming of how I could change my life after the pandemic, time introspecting what is important for me and what I could do to find balance between work and personal life.

I must say I am a very lucky person. I am part of an awesome team which is led by supportive and empowering managers. I am very grateful that my leaders in DDC prioritise open communication, respect, and empathy, creating an atmosphere where team members feel valued and supported. They listened to my needs and encouraged me to create exactly the life I have envisioned. Now, I am writing this blog post from my homeland where I get to stay for a couple of months. I am on terrace in the mountains, relaxed and happy knowing that once I finish, I can enjoy a cup of tea with my family. As I embarked on this post-pandemic journey, I am sure I will create unforgettable memories with my loved ones, while immersing myself in the beauty and diversity of nature in my homeland.

I am rediscovering the beauty of connecting with nature while fulfilling my professional responsibilities. My focus is enhanced, and I feel more creative and productive. It is like the natural world invigorated my mind and inspired fresh ideas. Moreover, it is an opportunity to prioritise my mental health as nature has its way of energising my spirit and nurturing my soul. Furthermore, embracing nature while working remotely aligns with sustainable living principles, allowing me to make a positive impact on the environment which is very dear to my heart and the values promoted by DDC.

Being able to work remote provides me the freedom to align my schedule with my family’s needs, fostering stronger bonds and creating memories that will last a lifetime. I believe that being closer with my family motivated me to see different perspectives, and approaches to life and this inspired innovative thinking, making me a more well-rounded professional.

To conclude, I am grateful to be offered the remarkable opportunity to connect with nature and experience its myriad benefits. Whether it’s the mental clarity gained from a hike, or the serenity found in a peaceful garden, nature has the power to enhance our work and well-being. By embracing the serenity and integrating nature into our remote work routines, we can find balance, ignite creativity, prioritise our health, and contribute to a sustainable future. It offered me an extraordinary chance to harmonise professional growth and family time. The reason I wrote this blog is to inspire others to trust their employees and to start creating a world where they feel appreciated and respected. I believe that one of the hallmarks of great managers is their commitment to empowering employees and promoting their growth.

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