Core Features

Smart Drainage Information Management software was designed to facilitate an easier drainage asset modelling process and generates a reliable drainage flow model

Intelligent Data Modelling
Smart Drainage Information Management software is an in-house unique specialist solution which enables a comprehensive digital drainage modelling and provides a smart live data sharing & management system.
Real time access to collected data
Smart Drainage Information Management software uses state of the art technology to keep the engineers connected to the office, providing a live view of what’s happening at the roadside.
Intuitive Software
The software has a user-friendly platform and is easy to navigate around. You will experience data transfer between office and site, you can load existing shpfiles onto the mobile device in one step.
Better Information Management
Smart Drainage Information Management software helps us to improve safety, to deliver more efficiently and to improve customer service.
Support and display all types of drainage features
This allows the drainage network to be mapped out on site. Following an office desktop study, existing data can be pre-loaded onto the equipment and this enables a site operative to perform the survey activities.
Bespoke to client’s requirements
From our innovative GPS tracking to pinpoint and update asset locations, to our data verification system and damage alerts, our Smart Drainage Information Management software has been built to provide clients with a reliable asset inventory that’s easy to manage and maintain.
Cross Platform
The software is implemented on multiple computing platforms. Smart Drainage Information Management software runs on Android and Windows.
Full Analytics Suite
With real-time tracking, users can pull reports and analytics dashboards from the system to view progress in the field as well as receiving a complete asset report at the end of the project. No paperwork, no fuss.
Alert Incidents
The real-time information sharing and live viewing of the drainage flow model will help Highways Maintenance teams quickly identify network issues and high flooding risk areas. Corrective action to be taken swiftly to avert disruptive repairs.
Data Validation
There are validation scripts built into the software which ensures the data is fully compliant to HADDMS specifications.
Supports NH Aiming for Zero strategy
The software was developed to allow validation surveys and infill gaps in the highways drainage network for National Highways (NH).
Highways Industry Approved
Smart Drainage Information Management software has been beta tested and successfully implemented onto various highways and IRIS projects, and has proven to give the asset managers/engineers the confidence of 100% data accuracy.

Our engineers combined their expertise to develop Smart Drainage Information Management software to enhance the value that we bring to our clients

Time Saving
Cost Saving
BIM conformity
Green Benefit
Interactive platform
integrated drainage asset management solutions
ideal for

Smart Drainage Information Management software can be tailored to suit our clients’ specifications guaranteeing both the quality and velocity required for each project.

Major Highways Projects
SMART Motorway Projects
HADDMS Surveys
BIM Projects
The Software Is Available For
Users About Software

“The new software is easy to grasp and reliable and very straightforward in terms of usage from the way we capture assets and input that data. For me it is a lot faster and efficient in terms of productivity in building a drainage model from scratch.”

Simon Lewis


DIM is shortlisted for New Civil Engineer TechFest Award

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