Purpose of Survey
Where full and detailed knowledge of the condition and defects of below ground pipework is required. Used to determine the inventory, condition and detailed defects of pipework and culverts using CCTV. Survey remit also includes the connected chambers and gullies and any chambers not connected within the specified survey area. The survey is applicable to all forms of pipework up to 900mm diameter and culverts up to 1800mm in diameter.
Typical instances in which this type of survey is used
- To deliver contractual certification of new build drainage works
- Flooding incidents
- Defects in other assets suspected to be linked to defective pipework
- All assets condition and connectivity survey has identified a service and/or structural grade 4 or 5 that requires further investigation
- Replacement, repair or redesign of the drainage system being investigated
Features of this survey include
- Pre cleansing
- Removal of blockages
- Root cutting
- Identification of asset type to classification CD535
- Identification of Service condition defects using CCTV
- Identification of Structural condition defects using CCTV
- Recording of all mandatory and optional data fields to comply with DDMS
Survey data round tripping
All survey data will be round tripped within DDMS where catchment data is available.
A variety of reports and CAD drawings can be produced to both comply with the requirements of CS551. We also deliver bespoke reporting to meet the specific requests and needs of our clients.