Environmental Services

DDC offer a range of environmental services with sound practical planning, engineering and commercial experience, and where necessary working with a networked team of independent associates. DDC provide a range of in-house services, including 3D CAD and visualisation facility together with in-house waste management, landscape architecture, ecology, environmental assessment, hydrology and arboricultural expertise.

Services include:

• Environmental Consultancy – i
nc. waste management expertise, monitoring, EIA, Lighting Impact Assessments, dust management plans and air dispersion modelling
• Ecology –
inc. species surveys, licence applications, monitoring schemes and Ecological Clerk of Works
• Landscape Architecture –
inc. landscape design and assessment, habitat management, contract administration and 3D ground modelling
• Laboratory Services –
inc. Environmental DNA analyses for presence of aquatic species, dust and water analysis and bioaerosols
• CAD, GIS & Graphics –
inc. 2D and 3D drawings for presentations, public consultation, contracts and construction
• Visualisations –
inc. Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, animated visualisations (walk/fly-throughs) and verified photomontages
• Arboriculture –
inc. tree surveys, tree protections plans, method statements and arboricultural implications assessments
• Cultural Heritage, Archaeology and Historic Buildings –
inc. desk-based assessments, watching briefs and evaluations
• Water –
inc. SuDS design, flood risk assessment, drainage reports and water quality analyses

The quality management system governing the provision of DDC’s services is ISO 9001:2008 certified

Ecological water sampling
We build strong long-term relationships.