Ditch Profile Survey

Purpose of survey

To determine the longitudinal and cross-sectional profile of ditches in association with an all assets condition and connectivity survey, and including the determination of potential soil contamination.

When do you need a Ditch Profile Survey?  

  • in association with an all assets condition and connectivity survey
  • where measurement of the longitudinal and cross-sectional profile of the ditch is required to aid planning of future cleaning or re-profiling works
  • where soil contamination testing of potential spoil arisings to aid planning of future cleaning or re-profiling works is required
  • in all forms of unlined and lined ditches 

Features of this survey include

  • DDC uses the latest technology, incorporating top of the range Total Stations and GPS receivers.
  • DDC supplies ground-accurate 2D or 3D models delivered in paper and digital formats.

DDC has developed highly efficient, industry-leading procedures, as a result, we aim to complete surveys more quickly, with no need for additional site visits, allowing clients get their survey results faster.

Survey data round tripping

As with all NH DDMS surveys, they are driven by consistently delivering to the high standards set out in CS551. Survey data round tripping is a vital function to achieving the high data quality outcome necessary to build a catalogue of ‘reliable, intelligent data’.

All of our surveys are compliant to National Highways documents CS551 and CD535.


  • A summary report
  • Photographs of the hand auger samples
  • CAD Drawing files
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