We are Considerate Constructors

We are delighted to announce that DDC is registered with Considerate Constructors Scheme.

As a highway’s drainage specialist consultancy, health, safety, respect for the community and environmental management is of paramount importance to DDC. Working on the busiest roads of Europe on England’s Strategic Road Network is a privilege and we are very proud to help support the economic growth and the quality of life of the nation. Our shared and aligned culture promotes the constructive and desired behaviours that will sustain our valued clients and National Highways’ values and vision for the future.


The CCS is a not-for-profit organisation that has the aim to raise standards in the construction industry. The companies who register with this Scheme are agreeing to follow the Code of Considerate Practice which is designed to encourage best practice beyond statutory requirements.

The main areas of the code are:

For more information on the Considerate Constructors Scheme, click here: https://www.ccscheme.org.uk/


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