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We Struck Gold

We are very proud to announce we are now a Gold Member of ConstructionLine.

Quality, professionalism and knowledgeable are few of the values we stand for, as an organisation dedicated to high-end responsible business practices. Everyone in the DDC team is committed to ongoing improvements as we appreciate that there are always methods to perform better, to be more productive and to deliver excellence.

ConstructionLine is one of the main pre-qualification databases in the UK. It is a scheme run by Government and it is the UK’s leading procurement and supply chain management service. In other words, ConstructionLine evaluates the company information certifying the company’s alignment with the industry and the governments standards. For more information please check: https://www.constructionline.co.uk/

To obtain a level 3 certificate (Gold) organisations are required to verify their PAS 91 plus an extended qualified PQQ. The PQQ ensures that the company is legislative compliant, and it also covers the verified credentials for: environmental management, equality and diversity, quality management, anti-bribery and corruption policies and a modern slavery act.

Furthermore, the organisation must have a valid SSIP certificate. As a highways drainage specialist consultancy, health and safety is of paramount importance for us and we adhere to all industry standards and good practices. The welfare of our people and of the people we collaborate with always comes first. Establishing detailed regulations and safety guides benefit DDC, our employees, and our clients.

Being a Gold member of ConstructionLine brings a lot of prestige and many competitive advantages to our business. We have become a more viable choice for all the tenders and the large organisations as we now have the evidence of being a qualified business to carry out specialist surveying schemes and projects.

Kerrie Jones, our Operations Manager, managed the process of achieving this valuable accreditation. She proudly states: “Achieving ConstructionLine Gold will prove to be a huge benefit to the company as it clearly demonstrates to our clients that we are a reliable and responsible supplier.”

She added: “Being compliant saves important resources, such as time and money both for DDC and for our partners as we no longer must duplicate our standard company information. We thrive to offer to our stakeholders superior and bespoke solutions. We are looking forward to all the great opportunities this accreditation will bring.“

DDC | Further excellence displayed with ConstructionLine Gold

Comments (2)

Really proud of the whole team. I appreciate the amount of work to achieve such a prestigious accreditation. Well done!

We are the best!

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